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    My Boyfriend Hates My Natural Hair

    I have been in a relationship for 3 years with my boyfriend, when we met I had relaxed hair and often wore weaves. 5 Months ago I decided to big chop due to my hair breaking, I have found myself totally in love with my TWA which has led me to embrace my hair and motivated me to continue on my natural hair journey.
    My boyfriend on the other hand absolutely hates the way my hair looks. I have had a number of different hair styles before that he did not particularly like but he has never reacted like this!!! I keep thinking to myself its just hair right? At the same time it has become so much more, please please please.... Help a natural sister out.


    1. my initial reaction would be to dump him! (jokes) 3 years is a long time so this is definitely something you should both work on. Over time he will realise that this move to natural has made you a more confident person, ALL men find confidence sexy! I find that a lot of my hair styles are man repelers my partner hates braids with a passion but it is just a hair style. be confident and rock it! he'll just have to get used to it and trust me he will...he'll be oiling your scalp and cutting your fairy knots out in no time! xxx
